Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's Goal Time! My Fitness Bucket List

Having closed out my Division I athletic career, I’ve begun to think a lot about what comes after Penn AC's summer program. I’ve seen very fit people leave the collegiate playing field and come back to visit five months later unable to climb stairs without pausing to catch their breath. I don’t want to be one of those people. Athletics have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember and I don’t plan on stopping just because college is over. I saw the Fitness Bucket List on Pinterest the other day and knew that I had to make one. There are so many activities that I’ve never tried because I was sore from practice or I didn’t want to injure myself and risk sacrificing a season. Now is the time for me to try all of those things. And who knows what I could discover about myself…maybe my athletic career is just beginning!

  • Be able to do a one armed pull-up.
  • Try a spin class.
  • Be able to do a 1 minute handstand
  • Be able to do a one-handed push-up
  • Complete a half-Ironman triathlon
  • Bench my body weight
  • Try kickboxing
  • Get a 2 minute "hang time"
  • Run a sub six minute mile
  • Try CrossFit
  • Get over my fear of heights and try rock climbing
  • Race in a lightweight double
  • Try a kettle bell workout
  • Learn self defense
  • Try Wii Fit

  • Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
  • Do a workout using the Exorcist stairs in DC
  • Try a pole dancing class! (Yes, they exist for exercise!)
  • Race in a ridiculous costume
  • Do 25 chin ups in a row
  • Learn to ski!

A fitness bucket list can be great motivation to become more active or try things you've never even thought of before. Motivation is the number one trait that determines whether people stick with working out. By thinking of fun, active things to do, it won't feel like work! What's the number one thing on your fitness bucket list?

**Thanks to Angie for illustrating my bucket list. 


  1. I've been thinking about making a fitness bucket list myself... I may just work on it tonight. I've done an erg marathon, not fun... also raced at Canadian Henley many times, which is super fun!

  2. put PENNAC on your teams list!! Also cool list, but Wii Fit? seriously?

  3. You could also include in your bucket list signing up for a fitness training class. This will certainly help you get fit and stay healthy. BTW, that list has exciting activities, particularly the Color Run. It’s a fun and exciting event for people who love running and meeting new friends. ->CrossFit
