"Life changes in an instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends." - Joan Didion
What I’ve figured out over the past year is that it’s hard to write about things that are hard. Or rather, it’s hard to write and then share with others things that are not going well. This blog was becoming a burden to write because I felt pressured to show a positivity that I didn’t always have in late 2012 and much of 2013. I was trying to be that girl, the one that had everything together and was able to share it with the world. But in 2013, I did not "have it all". I went through some things that I did not feel comfortable and still do not feel comfortable writing about. According to the Holmes and Rahe stress test, the amount of life stressors I had during the twelve months I stopped writing means that I am about 100% due for a serious illness or injury. (Scores higher than 300 indicate an 80% chance….I scored a 649). I’m willing to be that I am not the only recent college graduate who would score that high either. Even for my peers who moved back home to their childhood bedrooms and hometowns, life is very different without school. Change is constant and there are many times when life is overwhelming, terrifying and stressful.
That’s not to say that 2013 was a bust. A lot of really amazing things have happened since I last posted. I lived by myself for two months. I got an awesome new job. I took a graduate school class (and got an A). I met some amazing people and cemented existing friendships. I completed my first year of year-round training. I began a great relationship. I cried a lot, but I laughed a lot harder and that is what has brought me back to writing. Maybe the Internet doesn’t need one more twenty-something posting crafts, recipes and feelings. But I grew to fill this space and I missed it.
To 2014.
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